Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Big Project

So I really haven't been doing much sewing lately, and it isn't because I am now homeschooling or because Josiah climbs on top on the table every. stinking. time. my. back. is. turned.

It is because of this little person!  We have always wanted a large family, and we are all super excited.  However, let me just say there is nothing like the first trimester to make you start wondering what the heck you were thinking.  This time around has been hard.  I haven't been this sick ever.  I was starting to stress that it was twins.  I was down for a whole month, but at 12 weeks I am starting to feel a little human again.  Now I just need the energy fairy to come visit me once more.  She is sorely missed.  I am tired of being tired!  

I love getting ultrasounds done.  So amazing to be able to see the little one that is causing so much havoc to your body.  We didn't tell the kids about the baby until right before we went to get the ultrasound done, and  it was so much fun to see their reaction to seeing the baby on the screen.  Juliana, especially, fell in love.  She is determined that it is another boy, so Josiah will have someone to play trucks with.  She wants to name him "Dan".  Felicity wants it to be a girl (mostly, I think, to be contrary to Juliana), and she wants to name her "Paula" or "Sandwich". 

So, there you have it.  I have been going through fabric and pulling things for a destash and future projects, so I am hoping to share more sewing soon!  xoxo


  1. Congratulations Meg!!! I hope that you have a healthy pregnancy and that it is a little easier from here on in. And I will pray for a healthy baby too!

  2. Yes to feeling better!! It's about time ;). Although I'm sure Jodiah does his best to counter that with all of his climbing (little booger!). I'm with Felicity, the baby *must* be named Sandwich (LOL!! That girl cracks me up!!).

  3. Josiah, I'm sorry! I really need to spell check my comments before I post with this iPhone!

  4. Congratulations!!

    Hope you continue to feel better!

  5. Congratulations!!! Felicity has it all figured out. Sandwich would make a "wonderful" name. You'll feel like a superstar. If they can name their kids Apple and Blanket, who says Sandwich is not a perfectly acceptable name?

  6. Awe, congrats! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is 'sick' free! =)

  7. Congratulations! Hope the rest of the pregnancy is wonderful.

  8. Congrats Meg!!! So happy for you guys! I'm glad you are starting to feel better and I will keep my fingers crossed that the energy fairy is headed your way! ;)

  9. Congratulations! I couldn't be happier for you and your growing family. First trimesters are the worst, especially with little ones under foot. I hope you start feeling better soon!!

  10. congrats Meg thats fantastic

  11. Congratulations! I'm sure baby Sandwich will be adorable.

  12. Aw, how exciting! Congrats to you and your family :)

  13. Congratulations! I am a big fan of the name "Sandwich!"

    tee hee

  14. Yay for babies!!! You could do Sub Sandwich... for the first and middle name :-) too cute

  15. Congratulation Megan! Very exciting new.....hope you are feeling more energetic soon!

  16. Congratulations, Meg! I'm so excited for you :)

  17. Congrats Meg! I certainly know how you're feeling!! I'm 14wks pregnant just now and am only just getting over the tiredness!! Its wiped me out for the last 3 months too!!!

  18. Congratulations Meg, and believe me the energy fairy will come soon☺ Wish you all the best!

  19. Why, that IS a big project! Hope you regain some energy and congratulations!

  20. Congrats Meg! Keep posting the u/s pics. By the way, I did a lot of the research that is used today to estimate weight, age, etc., so if you ever have any questions, I'm your person!

  21. Congratulations! I am expecting as well (15 weeks) and know what you mean about needing the energy fairy. Why is it that each pregnancy seems to be harder? Shouldn't it get easier?? :-)

  22. Ha! Sandwich! Sounds like a Frank Zappa kid. I'm still hoping (at 22 weeks) that my morning (and evening) sickness will go away someday... if not, at least it'll be gone afterwards, right?

  23. Congratulations!!Wish you all the best!!

  24. Good luck on your biggest project right now. Surely that energy surge is just around the corner. :)

  25. yay! i love it, congrats! a most awesome project indeed. :)


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